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    Kennards for Kids is proud to support Constable Care in teaching children to do the right thing

    Published on 30 January 2019, Wednesday, 4:52 AM

    Kennards Hire is a third generation family-owned company and the Kennard children are the future of the business.

    As a result, Kennards believes in the importance of nurturing children and guiding them to take responsible actions and make positive contributions to the community.

    That’s why Kennards has partnered with The Constable Care Child Safety Foundation to help educate children about key life skills, citizenship and safety messages for children aged two to twelve.

    The charity uses interactive drama and puppet theatre to convey its messages.

    Kennards donations have assisted Constable Care to expand their program, which teaches life skills (eg. saying “no” to drugs, alcohol and bullying) to more than 150,000 Western Australian children each year (we have actually delivered performances to over 2 million kids since 1989!).

    With its proven success, the specialist, early intervention performance-based programs assisting children with tackling a number of issues including vandalism, child abuse and bullying.

    The foundation works with a number of specialists in health, child protection, education and crime prevention, and social services to design the innovative programs, which are conveyed to children in a memorable, engaging and fun way.

    At its core, the program's intended message is "to do the right thing" from a young age.

    Constable Care CEO David Gribble said: “Constable Care and Kennards share the vision of a safer future for children across Western Australia. Our long term partnership has enabled us to work towards this goal together, and Kennards’ annual Kennards For Kids fundraising initiative helps provide vital funds for our organisation”.

    “We would like to recognise the continued generosity of Kennards WA in selecting Constable Care as beneficiary of their annual fundraising efforts in Western Australia.

    "The money raised benefits children from Perth to some of the most remote communities in the state. We look forward to continuing our work with Kennards as our corporate partner, and to working towards a Western Australia where every child grows up safe and happy.”

    Research has shown that the first few years of a child's life set the foundations of their future - shaping their attitudes, learning patterns and behavioural attitudes.

    Performance based education and early intervention programs have been proven to psychologically and socially benefit not just children, but also families and the wider community.

    There are three main elements to the Constable Care programs - protective education, crime prevention and respect and responsibility. 

    Constable Care plays a vital role in the communities by raising issues such as school attendance, how to handle bullying, alcohol and drug abuse and stepping back from people doing the wrong thing.

    Constable Care work hard to keep children out of dangerous situations, but sadly the reality is that sometimes kids get caught up.
    Police officers and child protection workers are often present at the moment a child’s life changes forever. Providing these professionals with a Constable Care Bear to give a child not only rebuilds trust and confidence and establishes communication - it also gives a distressed child some comfort when they need it most.

    You can also support Constable Care directly by making a donation to help fund the program or by sponsoring a Constable Care Bear and make a real difference to a child in need.

    For more information or to offer direct support to The Constable Care Child Safety Foundation, visit or become their fan on Facebook at

    Help Kennards to support childrens charities by hiring from Kennards for all your equipment needs this spring where $1 of every hire contract in September and October will be donated by Kennards to selected charities.

    Nathan Mills portrait image
    Nathan Mills
    Nathan is a seasoned Kennards Hire team member passionate about empowering DIYers in their projects. He loves everything DIY and brings together years of equipment and project experience to help customers get the right tools for their next job.