b'CHAPTER 09KEN OATH | 141SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS is an impressive innings. But this book has highlighted that Kennards success is not a result of the profits they have achieved, nor the locations they have acquired, nor the millions of pieces of equipment that have been hired out. Instead, Kennards success is attributed to one thing: its people. They are the backbone of the business, and its most valuable asset. The company continues to nurture talent and hard work, and is proud of how long its employees stick around, and how the ones who stay for a while come to live and breathe Kennards Hire values.If our values were ever going to falter it would have been in the last two or so years [during the pandemic], Darren Simmons, general manager New South Wales and ACT, says. They have not, everything we have done was fair dinkum, had our peoples best interests at heart (One Family), had our customers best interest at heart (Every Customer a Raving Fan), or made Kennards Hire a better place (Taking Hire Higher). The last two years have confirmed for me that our values are not four things written on walls around the placethey are alive and entrenched in the business.'